Convert "number / number" form text to "number⁄number" form text. The output is fully cut-n-pastable text.
Current known superscript characters: 0123456789-+=()in
Superscripts are supplimented with Unicode "modifier letters": AaBcDdEefGghHIJjKklLMmNOoPprRsTttUuVwWxyz
Current known subscript characters: 0123456789-+=()aeijoruvx
Actual characters: ⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁻⁺⁼⁽⁾ⁱⁿ (modifiers: ᴬᵃᴮᶜᴰᵈᴱᵉᶠᴳᵍʰᴴᶦᴶʲᴷᵏˡᴸᴹᵐᴺᴼᵒᴾᵖʳᴿˢᵀᵗᵗᵁᵘⱽʷᵂˣʸᶻ ) ⁄ ₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉₋₊₌₍₎ₐₑᵢⱼₒᵣᵤᵥₓ
When a "vulgar" (single codepoint) form exists, it, too will be printed. (Full set: ↉ ⅒ ⅑ ⅛ ⅐ ⅙ ⅕ ¼ ⅓ ½ ⅖ ⅔ ⅜ ⅗ ¾ ⅘ ⅝ ⅚ ⅞ .)
A Unicode Toy © 2010-2019 Eli the Bearded