First released version: 4 April 2002
Download: tar/gzip - 1837k
or tar/bzip2 - 1437k
There are serveral source trees in this, hence the much larger size
than the base moria distribution (~888k). My prefered one right now
is the 'umoria-eli/my-wiz-build
' version. Here is the
changes list for that variant:
From Targeting ('a' in rogue-like commands, 'X' in original) Faster pseudo-ID Auto haggle option Allow any key to skip more option New special room type: round, sometimes with an encircling ring corridor Weight limit: cannot pick up something that would bring you to more than three times your weight limit (if you get weakened so that your load becomes more than 3x your limit, you can still carry everything) Initial characters have more inventory items Changes to very deep dungeon (below 15000', level 300): 'eery' levels possibility of very many rooms possibility of all rooms same 'type' Wizard mode: '@' can create objects or monsters, '^]' save map to file Hidden changes (in code): more comments, macros for some oft used functions
This code has only been tested on Linux. Proceed at your own risk.
I have a bunch more ideas to incorporate but I wanted to get this out now. (Some saved articles showing to do items.)