Elijah's Perl Stuff
Progams and modules
My CPAN directory has these things in it:
- Image::PBMlib (tar/gzip)
- This is a module to aid in reading portable bitmap (PBM),
graymap (PGM), and pixmap (PPM) images, since reading these
is harder than writing them. (The format is designed to be
very easy to read and write, but any reader needs to support
six different on disk formats, while a writer can just use
the ones it wants.)
- Time::SoFar (tar/gzip)
- A friendly interface to using the
with "use English
") variable.
- bget (perl script)
- My http downloader. There are many http downloaders, what makes mine
significantly different than the others?
- Full header emulation for more than 30 user-agents. Not just
setting a "User-Agent:" header, but all the right headers in
the correct order.
- It doesn't try to parse html. If you want a mirroring tool, try
, but consider that what URLs in a page get
followed vary from user-agent to user-agent. Netscape will get
objects from
an tag, while IE will only get the latter.
won't try to guess what you want to get.
- If you have a large number of URLs you want to get, and you want
to get them subtly,
has fixed and random delays
between page loads, can supply a different "Referer:" header to
each load, can guess a filename based on URL or be told what to
- Web server testing options, like connecting to one hostname but
using a "Host:" header for a different hostname; printing just
the response headers without doing a "HEAD" request, exit code
based on HTTP response status, option to use the
module for timing multiple requests.
- extract-form (perl script)
- Proof of concept form exposer. The purpose of this tool is to
illustrate the lack of security in client side web form controls.
Given a URL this will extact all forms on that page and create a
new html page that converts all hidden fields to text inputs,
removes javascript verification, etc.
- hgrep (perl script)
- A header grepper for mail or news files, defaults to newspool style
(one message per file) but can also process mbox files. Written for
doing things like bulk deletion of spam for a newsgroup I moderated,
and expanded from there.
- mimedump (perl script)
- A MIME extraction tool I used to automatically extract attachments
from incoming mail with procmail.
- ppmmosaic (perl script)
- Expand pixels in a portable pixmap to make mosaic-like images. Uses
- pwhois (perl script)
- Simple whois client program that follows redirects to other whois
Other Stuff
I wrote a piece on "When Not to Use Regular
Expressions" for the Oakland Perl Mongers.