QZ qz thoughts
a blog from Eli the Bearded
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Analog Computer Museum

"An analog computer is a computing device that has two distinguishing characteristics: (1) Performs operations in a truly parallel manner. Meaning it can perform many calculations all at the same time. (2) And operates using continuous variables. Meaning it uses numbers that that change not in steps, but change in a smooth continuous manner. By constrast, a digital computer can only perform sequential (one at a time) operations, and operates on discrete (noncontinuous) numbers."

dead link: http://dcoward.best.vwh.net/analog/

Tinker Toy Computer

A column from Scientific American about the workings of the Tinker Toy tic-tac-toe playing computer. How the game logic works, how the memory bank is encoded, and other interesting details.

dead link: http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~cfs/472_html/Intro/TinkertoyComputer/TinkerToy.html

Willmore Works

Lamps (mostly), candle sticks, clocks, designed with interesting aesethic. The lamps primarly use lots of small bulbs in interesting configurations. Other objects have recurring circle and ball motifs.

dead link: http://www.e-dot.com/

2020 update: Nik Willmore's web presence seems gone, but here's a how-to on building a .a https://www.instructables.com/id/Mad-Scientists-Light/ "Willmore inspired lamp" on Instructables.