QZ qz thoughts
a blog from Eli the Bearded
Page 24 of 146

Hannah Gadsby: Nanette

Nanette at IMDB

My wife watched this, it's on Netflix world wide, and then liked it so much that she wanted to watch it again with me. So we watched it together.

It is billed as "stand up comedy" and starts like stand up, but it doesn't finish like stand up. I went into it not entirely cold, but not knowing where the show would go. (I did know that she'd rail against Picasso and talk about her family in Tasmania.)

Despite being in the title, Nanette is not mentioned past the first thirty seconds or so. It's just a name, not an indicator of content. The content takes a dark turn as Gadsby explains where her stand up material came from; ending up with content probably not easily titled.

I enjoyed it, but don't think of it "stand up." There's humor, but there's rage, too.