QZ qz thoughts
a blog from Eli the Bearded
Page 3 of 146

There was no one else left to blame

Washington, April 1, 2020. At an impromtu news conference at 11:15am local time today, Donald Trump opened by shouting "April Fools!" and then watching the befuddled faces around him.

"Hillary won in 2016 and the game is over now," he continued after the pause. "She has been doing THE WORST job running this country since I don't know when. Since King George at least. She has run the economy into the ground, let thousands of Americans die from a foreign virus. It's like she hates the country. I can't believe so many of you voted for her."

Trump then left without taking questions leaving confused White House staff unable to clarify anything.

This is a developing story and updates will be made as available.