Historic Games Dice
Specializes in reproductions of dice of antiquity. Has knucklebones, "anatomically correct" dice, dreidle style dice, etc.
dead link: http://www.historicgames.com/RPdice.html
Specializes in reproductions of dice of antiquity. Has knucklebones, "anatomically correct" dice, dreidle style dice, etc.
dead link: http://www.historicgames.com/RPdice.html
Many dice, including the usual, plus zodiac and planet (both 12-sided) dice, compass directional (8-sided), roman and chinese numeral (6-sided). But also, sheep knucklebone (reproduction) and risque "anatomically correct" dice.
dead link: http://www.greathallgames.com/aacc/adice/adice.html
Dice to cheat with. Loaded dice to come up 90% for any number, dice numbered with repeat numbers to completely eliminate some outcomes, and straight dice that match.
dead link: http://www.halfpast.demon.co.uk/dd.html
This online store has a large selection of dice, including blank dice for do-it-yourself marking, unusual numbers of sides like 5-, 7-, and 16- sided dice, and usual markings including several (6-, 8-, and 12- sided) card dice for poker like games.
dead link: http://www.dozensofgames.com/dicesection.html