ENIAC Gallery
A ten image collection of extreme closeups to parts of ENIAC, the first electronic computer.
dead link: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/photos/2004-eniac.html
[2004 Aug 10]
[A ten image collection of extreme closeups to parts of ENIAC, the first electronic computer.
dead link: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/photos/2004-eniac.html
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dead link: http://networking5.eliyon.com/Networking/default.asp
This Library of Congress page has page by page scans of scrapbook kept by Alice's Adventures in Wonderland author Charles Dodgson. The book contains newspaper clippings, Punch cartoons, and text by Dodgson. Additionally, the LoC has collected photos of people mentioned in the text.