QZ qz thoughts
a blog from Eli the Bearded
Tag search results for tv Page 3 of 5

Russian Doll

It's very Groundhog Day without being Groundhog Day and there are ways you can tell the rules apart by paying attention to details (and it will be called out later, if you missed it). A woman dies at her own 36th birthday party, only to find herself back in the bathroom at that party. It won't be her first death and return to that room.

I made the mistake of watching Black Mirror: Bandersnatch and then starting Russian Doll right afterwards. I don't recommend that pairing. Bandersnatch has a completely different set of rules for why the character goes back and restarts time with a knowledge of it restarting. The suspension of disbelief transition ended up being very awkward.

Five cocaine-laced joints out of five, but it's one joint across multiple lives.

FWIW: Bandersnatch was okay, but not the best of Black Mirror.

Hannah Gadsby: Nanette

Nanette at IMDB

My wife watched this, it's on Netflix world wide, and then liked it so much that she wanted to watch it again with me. So we watched it together.

It is billed as "stand up comedy" and starts like stand up, but it doesn't finish like stand up. I went into it not entirely cold, but not knowing where the show would go. (I did know that she'd rail against Picasso and talk about her family in Tasmania.)

Despite being in the title, Nanette is not mentioned past the first thirty seconds or so. It's just a name, not an indicator of content. The content takes a dark turn as Gadsby explains where her stand up material came from; ending up with content probably not easily titled.

I enjoyed it, but don't think of it "stand up." There's humor, but there's rage, too.

Mr Pickles and Superjail!

After asking for television show suggestions, I got pointed to Superjail! and Mr. Pickles. So I hunted down the pilot episodes of each of them.

Superjail! is a wonderfully surreal romp through a prison even more wild than the chocolate factory Willy Wonka runs. So I continued and I'm at the end of season two now. (It helps that the episodes are 11 to 12 minutes each.)

But Mr. Pickles fell flat for me in that first episode. A lot of the pilot seemed to be wholesome setup - crude denouement, over and over again. It's a one note formula that seemed to be the crux of all the humor. And the wholesomeness in particular bothers me because crude is fine, but crude only as an answer to wholesome is a very lazy way to write a joke, even if the crude denouement part is 100% over-the-top, which it seems to be every time.

Let's just look at the very first joke in the cold start of the pilot.

A guy and a girl are out in the woods. He starts to pressure her for sex and she says "I'm not ready yet". That's the wholesome setup. Then she continues with the crude denouement: "It's only been two hours since the abortion".

There are many similar repeats of this pattern throughout the pilot.

Superjail is not without fault, but doesn't trigger my "lazy writing" alarm.

Philip K Dick's Electric Dreams

Philip K Dick's Electric Dreams is a new series of single episode renditions of PKD short stories. It's being broadcast on Channel 4 (UK) and is/will be available on Amazon video.

There have been four episodes so far, the most recent one being "Crazy Diamond", which I posted about in a newsgroup before the series started. The story that one is based on had been discussed in the group in the past, and it is the PKD short story I have most recently read. (I have read his complete short stories, but most many years ago.)

Let's use that to discuss the series, since it offers a good lens on the differences between the promise and the reality.

PKD's stories are often cynical about technology, question how we can know what is real, and/or question if homo sapiens can or should survive. They are also frequently changed a lot on the way to being filmed.

"We Can Remember it For You Wholesale" is a short story about a service to implant memories. In that story a customer wants a Mars trip implanted, and then the service tech finds that there was an different memory that was activated. In the story it is clear that the different memory is the real one. When the story became Total Recall, it became a lot more difficult to separate real from fiction and introduced mutants who might supplant homo sapiens as the new homo ... species. In that way the story became more PKDish.

In "Sales Pitch", a robot tries to sell it's own services, and makes life increasingly more miserable for the intended customer. The closest model in today's world, might be if 4chan sold "not harassing you online" as a service. Or ransomware.

In "Crazy Diamond", it's not a robot, but a "Jill", which looks like a human, but is more like a replicant from Blade Runner. The Jill is ostensibly selling life insurance, but has sidelines in seduction and black market consciousness seeds for Jills like herself. Seeds that our protagonist has access to at the office. So here we have a of things added and changed, resulting in a much different direction.

The Jills, like replicants, have a shorter life span that limits them. The seeds provide a way to extend that life span. Okay, sort of triggers the new species themes.

There's a subplot with their house possibly going to erode into the sea, and the corporation that supplies everything providing short dated foods, and not letting people grow their own. There's a bit of unstated implication that the corporation could be using the erosion "problem" to sell new houses elsewhere.

The protagonist would like to stick it out until retirement, then sail the world. His wife would like to buy a new house. And the Jill exploits that difference for her seduction routine. There's nothing particularly PKDish about that.

Eventually the protagonist signs on the line for the life insurance, and it doesn't matter either way. Things don't get better or worse for him because of that decision (other decisions, sure, but not that one), which kind of robs this whole thing of the "Sales Pitch" connection.

On the whole, this TV series promised a Black Mirror like dystopian view of the future, but perhaps a future further out than Black Mirror. The chilling hook for Black Mirror is how easy it is to imagine going from today to that future. Some of them are entirely possible with today's tech, and some are just small incremements away.

Instead Dick's Electric Dreams has been delivering sci-fi stories that are not very compelling and exist in a world that is not easily connected to our world. As such they lack they punch of "are we headed there" and the hook of good story telling.

Two days out of a five day egg expiration date.

ObDman: Black Mirror is not unlike a modern Twilight Zone, with each episode a self-contained story, preying on psychological fears of the current times. But Twilight Zone wandered more into fantasy than Black Mirror does.

Final thought: it is, however, fun to be able to talk "dick dreams" and not be referring to porn.